The images above are the first drafts of my website. Clearly, some work needs to be doing. Firstly, I need to add the behind the scenes video, and the music video itself! This will be done when they have been completed fully, which should be on the 1st of November. Secondly, I need to add the bios for my artist - where it says Download Bio, I haven't written the bio up yet, so I will need to put that in, or remove them. Next, I need to photo shop the main image... There's a little bit of discretion, which isn't suitable for the audience. Photoshop! After these are more intricate, fine details, that need to be changed a little. One of the discography images feature images that aren't my own, so I will need to create my own new album. The artist notes I shall align to the right instead of centered, and the AV content music needs to be turned down a little bit and I need to add the questions featured in a little box and put "Buy the Singl...